Definition of Penalty box

1. Noun. (ice hockey) an enclosed bench to the side of an ice-hockey rink for players who are serving time penalties.

Category relationships: Hockey, Hockey Game, Ice Hockey
Generic synonyms: Bench
Group relationships: Ice Hockey Rink, Ice-hockey Rink

Definition of Penalty box

1. Noun. (ice hockey) An enclosed bench where a player must remain for timed period (a penalty) that is assessed after an infraction. ¹

2. Noun. (soccer) The penalty area. ¹

3. Noun. (idiomatic figuratively) A temporary punishment, or, metaphorically, a similar setback (e.g., loss of control, embarrassment, etc.). ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Penalty Box

penalty arc
penalty arcs
penalty area
penalty areas
penalty box
penalty boxes
penalty copy
penalty corner
penalty free throw
penalty function
penalty functions
penalty goal
penalty goals
penalty kick
penalty kicks
penalty kill
penalty kills
penalty phase
penalty shootout

Literary usage of Penalty box

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The New Statistical Account of Scotland (1845)
"The whilk day, William Cunningham, keeper of the penalty box, answered that the box rmd all that was therein was taken away by the Englishmen, and gave hi, ..."

2. An Inverted Sort of Prayer by Chris F. Needham (2006)
"good in die room kind of guy with traces of blood in his urine splitting time between the press box and the penalty box. Sometimes I think my entire life ..."

3. Old Church Life in Scotland: Lectures on Kirk-session and Presbytery Records by Andrew Edgar (1886)
"... several subsequent years the salary of the schoolmaster was drawn from the annual rent of stock held by the Session, with an eke from the penalty box. ..."

4. Waiter, There's a Horse in My Wine: A Treasury of Entertainment, Exploration by Jennifer "Chotzi" Rosen (2005)
"Scofflaws can't use the VQA appellation and will be put in the penalty box for icing. Right now you're probably thinking, "Hello! ..."

5. Annals of Colinsburgh: With Notes on Church Life in Kilconquhar Parish by Robert Dick (1896)
"... Scots into the penalty box " for swearing that was in his house be his servants." Besides the many breaches of the seventh commandment numerous cases of ..."

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